28 January 2010

Muslims in the UK: beyond the hype

Today, we are proud to launch the European Muslim Research Centre (EMRC) at the University of Exeter. We hope that the EMRC will be part of a wider process of voices and perspectives which are too often being ignored, or buried under a tide of negative portrayals of Muslim communities and Islam by vociferous sections of the media and populist politicians. [Guardian Cif] Read more

Media and politicians 'fuel rise in hate crimes against Muslims' A rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in London is being encouraged by mainstream politicians and sections of the media, a study written by a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer, published yesterday, says.

Attacks ranging from death threats and murder to persistent low-level assaults, such as spitting and name-calling, are in part whipped up by extremists and sections of mainstream society, the study says. [guardian.co.uk] Read more

[Another and earlier study commissioned by Ken Livingstone set out to blame the media for the negative portrayal of Muslims and Islam. See here]