23 February 2010

Islam's role in an ethical society

Let us agree on this: we live in pluralistic societies and pluralism is an unavoidable fact. We are equal citizens, but with different cultural and religious backgrounds. So, how can we, instead of being obsessed with potential "conflicts of identity" within communities, change that viewpoint to define and promote a common ethical framework, nurtured by the richness of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds?

After all, a pluralistic society needs a strong and effective ethics of citizenship in order to face up to both its internal challenges (diversity, equal rights, racism, corruption, etc) and international challenges (economic crisis, global warming, migrations, etc). [Guardian Cif] Read more

[4225 votes on Guardian Cif out of 4359 (97 percent) say the author - Tariq Ramadan - is talking nonsense (and some even suggest he is "opaque and oblique and doesn't say anything straight out"). See LibertyPhile Research]