14 July 2010

Racism veiled as liberation: Whose 'way of life' is France's lower house protecting? Not the women who wear niqabs

It sends a shiver down the spine. France's lower house has passed a law banning the wearing of the full Islamic veil – covering the face – in public places. The hope has to be that this extraordinary decision never actually reaches the statute book given that France's highest constitutional body, the council of state, warned some months ago that a ban would infringe constitutional rights and the measure could be challenged in the European court of human rights.

Belgium and Spain are also considering bans on the veil. What makes the decision in France so disturbing is that it fits into a pattern emerging across Europe of a particular paranoia, as an open letter published today on Comment is Free and signed by more than 30 academics and commentators warns.

[COMMENT] Let's be honest. This debate is NOT about women. It is about not wanting extreme Islam existing on Western streets.

Why can't Guardian writers see this? Why do they keep on defending something so alien to Western culture? Why is a woman defending a culture which is deeply misogynist? Why all the pretence? It's pathetic. [Guardian Cif] Read more