28 October 2010

'Mohammed' is the top boys' name because Muslims are becoming more religious, not because there are more Muslims

.... This is a complex phenomenon: Muslims throughout the world are adopting a “purer”, Salafi-influenced form of Islam, thanks to gargantuan Saudi investment in fundamentalist mosques and community schemes.

But, under New Labour, the British taxpayer helped fund the imposition of stricter norms on this country’s Pakistini and Bangladeshi immigrants, by handing over large sums to “community leaders” who used religious law to consolidate their power base.

With every passing year, primary school children – Muslim and non-Muslim – eat more local authority-funded Halal food and hear more about the original Mohammed. The fact that so many of the boys now have the same name must make life difficult for their teachers; and in the long run I don’t doubt that it will make life difficult for the rest of us. [telegraph.co.uk] Read more