15 February 2012

Why We Don't Need Words Like 'Islamist'

.... Raymond thus quite rightly goes on to point out that "Islam proper" is not "trouble-free." I agree with those whose views he characterizes this way: "one might argue that use of words like 'Islamist,' while valid, are ultimately academic and have the potential further to confuse the layman."

He then goes on to argue for the need for a term for the adherents of political Islam -- and there again, I propose the term "Islamic supremacist," which does not have the baggage of "Islamist," and leads no one to believe that Islam itself is "trouble-free."

Raymond concludes: "why insist on a language that is easily misunderstood and even has the potential to backfire?". Indeed. And that's why I reject the term "Islamist." [Jihad Watch] Read more