24 February 2012

Zombie Mohammed [with updates]

If reported correctly, this seems like a worrying story. Apparently Ernie Perce, while dressed as a ‘Zombie Mohammed’, was assaulted by Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, at a Halloween parade in Pennsylvania. Although the local police felt that this was an open-and-shut case, things did not go Mr Perce’s way. The Judge, Mark Martin, ruled in favour of the defendant, and expressed his disapproval of Perce:

.... Now, because this judge is, probably, Muslim, this case is being reported as an instance of a “Sharia Court”: which I suppose on one reading, is fair comment. But I’d compare it with the various instances of judges quoting from the Bible or agitating about displaying the Ten Commandments in court, and so on, that make the headlines from time to time. [Harry’s Place] Read more