30 May 2012

How to Attack the Critics of Islam: A Primer

On Sunday, the story that was front and center on the main page of the website of Le Monde -- France's purported newspaper of record -- was a nearly perfect example of how to go about attacking critics of Islam. Headlined.

"Why Islamophobia is Gaining Ground," the article, written by Frédéric Joignot, begins by noting that Marine Le Pen, the daughter and successor of the fascist anti-Semite Jean-Marie Le Pen, "came first or second in 116 constituencies out of 577, exceeding 25% in 59 of them." Her chief cause: the struggle against Muslim immigration.

As is usual in such articles, Joignot professes to be puzzled by this extraordinary level of support for a politician running on the issue of Islam. How could this be? How could so many Frenchmen have voted for a candidate whose #1 issue is Muslim immigration? What on earth were they thinking of. [Assyrian International News Agency] Read more