09 October 2013

Koran 'filled with threats to unbelievers'

Unbelievers are hated by Allah and the Koran is packed full of threats of hell against them.

Unbelievers are like "apes and pigs" (5:60), they are "the vilest of creatures in the eyes of Allah" (8:55) and Muslims must not make friends with them.

Jihad is a holy duty of Muslims (66:9), who are to "strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers" and behead them (8:12) and slay them until they submit and pay the jiyza (9:5), a special tax for subjugated unbelievers.

These passages are supported by the Hadith (traditions) and reflect the actions of the "prophet" as he subdued all in his path. [Belfast Telegraph] Read more