11 June 2014

Trojan Horse debate: We were wrong, all cultures are not equal

.... The crisis in Birmingham made me look up Ray Honeyford. The headmaster of a school in Bradford, Honeyford published an article highly critical of multiculturalism around the same time that I was wondering why Muslim girls in west London weren’t allowed to learn how to swim.

Honeyford was damned as a racist and forced to take early retirement, but how prophetic his words seem now. The alarmed headmaster referred to a “growing number of Asians whose aim is to preserve as intact as possible the values of the Indian subcontinent within a framework of British social and political privilege”.

[A COMMENT] If it is racist to want to see British schools teach and promote British culture and British values as the overriding and paramount culture , then I am a racist.

If it is racist to desire to live amongst people of my own ethic background, then I am a racist.

If it is racist to see sensible limits on immigration from third-world countries, to protect our infrastructure, our healthcare, our education, our services, then I am a racist.

If it is racist to want our major cities to remain free of multicultural ghettos and the social problems associated with them, then i am a racist.

If it is racist to want to live in a country that is not overwhelmed by adherents of a mediaeval religion and social structure, then I am a racist.

If it is racist to expect that the law, its enforcers, and the social services behind them , treat those who have lived and contributed to this nation at least as well as it treats incomers who have arrived in droves solely to suck at the taxpayers' teat, then I am a racist.

If it is the decision of those of our leaders who hate their own people and seek to have them replaced by outsiders, to call me a racist in the hope of silencing me,then let them; for we will one day have our revenge. They themselves will be cast out and reviled for always and replaced by a party that puts British values , British culture and the historically indigenous people of Britain FIRST. 1080 votes [The Telegraph] Read more