25 July 2014

Why the surprise at Birmingham's Trojan Horse plot? We saw it coming 20 years ago

.... For over 20 years I have been warning of the dangers of the poisonous cocktail of multiculturalism, political correctness and unlimited, uncontrolled immigration from countries which do not share our British culture and standards. It has not been a comfortable time. I have been under constant attack for doing so.

Some 17 years ago I was widely criticised for saying that: "Unless we share standards, moral values, language and national heritage, we will constitute neither a society, nor a nation, but just a population living under the same jurisdiction … One cannot uphold two sets of ethics, nor be loyal to two nations any more than a man can have two masters … nationality is in the long term more about culture than ethnicity."

.... Nor did I pretend that we were free of blame for the problems which I predicted. A decade ago I noted that "It is hard to beat something with nothing, and Islam is certainly something", and "Until we change and our society regains faith in its own values almost any faith or movement with faith in its own culture will challenge that of 21st-century Britain. Certainly Islam will."

Why was anyone surprised at what has been happening in Birmingham? Not only could it have been foreseen. It was foreseen.

[A COMMENT] Well, you may recall Enoch Powell made some similar predictions. He didn't come out so well and, until the British media stop creating taboo subjects, nobody else will either.

[ANOTHER] The problem is, Lord Tebbit, that although it is perfectly clear that the policy of multiculturalism has been a disaster, and that preserving 'community peace' has led to suppression of news reports, police investigations, CPS prosecutions and the like, as well as tolerating the development of religious fiefdoms in schools, in local government and increasingly in academia, no one in power shows the slightest inclination of doing anything about it.

[ANOTHER] Political correctness and not just with respect to matters like this, has made cowards of our politicians and police. The rest of us are going to pay a heavy price for that.

[ANOTHER] So, in otherwords, Lord Tebbit, the Immigration policy your government, like every other post War government pursued, KNOWINGLY accepted into the country hundreds of thousands of people whose whole world view was UNDERSTOOD FROM THE START to be incompatible with British traditions and of which a significant minority were ideologically committed to the destruction of that country.

[ANOTHER] Twenty years ago, my Lord? Try forty. Indeed it was 1968 when Enoch Powell made his much misrepresented rivers of blood speech. And Ray Honeyford made his views public in 1984.

That makes 46 years of cowardice and betrayal by the political class, including a large chunk of time when the Tories were in office. [The Telegraph] Read more