15 August 2014

It’s time for Muslim leaders to speak up

AUSTRALIA has been forced to rapidly recalibrate its response to the threat of Islamist terrorism over the past few months. International intelligence failed to predict the speed with which the extremist Islamic State has swept through parts of Syria and Iraq.

Forces from the US, the UK, France, Australia, Kurds and some Iraqis are racing to prevent the Islamist psychopaths slaughtering the remnant 30,000-member Yazidi community on Mt Sinjar in northern Iraq in an act of genocide.

It is estimated as many as 150 young Australians have joined the ranks of the Islamic State murderers. They thrive on publicity and will certainly not be named here, despite their notoriety.

[A TOP COMMENT] Why are we stopping these so called extremists from leaving to fight so they can sit in this country and fester and grow resentment. We should be letting them leave and then preventing them from coming back in.

[ANOTHER] .... the word of the Muslim community here has been proven time and time again to be mere lip service. We know your belated platitudes ring false, we know you are simply bidding your time while your numbers here increase. We're not buying what you're peddling, because we've heard it all before. Give us real actions, not carefully crafted words & we might start believing you again. Trust is a 2-way street, stop playing us for mugs, stop using the inherent decency of Australians against us, become part of the solution not part of the problem. [The Daily Telegraph] Read more