17 August 2014

John Lewis to sell the hijab as school uniform - but not in Bath and other West Country stores

Department store John Lewis is offering the hijab in its school uniform department for the first time - but not in West Country stores including Bath.

Waitrose in The Podium is owned by the John Lewis Partnership and sells childrens clothing.

The hijab covers the head and chest, and is worn by Muslim women after the onset of puberty.

It is a sign of modesty in the presence of men who are outside their immediate family.

[A TOP COMMENT] The Hijab has no basis in the Koran. Mohammad only required head covering during prayer and otherwise directed Muslims to dress in accordance with the land they were in.

In the case of the hijab, niqab, burkha etc, these are archaic symbols of female subjugation from the Middle East a millennia ago and have nothing to do with religion other than some interpretations in Hadith written by men long after Mohammad died.

We live in the West, 100 years after women were given the vote, allowed to show our ankles, and treated to the same professional opportunities as men.

The idea of sexualising little girls' hair is abhorrent and normalising this perverse view by advocating the sale of an object of female submissiveness as school uniform is something all thinking people should reject. [Bath Chronicle] Read more