09 March 2015

The ‘Muslim Manifesto’ that demands an end to free speech

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, along with a number of MPs, recently attended an event, held in Parliament, to promote a ‘Muslim Manifesto’ put together by the Institute for Muslim Community Development. You can read it here.

Essentially, the manifesto demands that the British government act in accordance with the wishes of Muslim communities, above all other considerations. Some points of note are these:

“Defend the right to a Muslim way of life, including halal meat; religious clothing; circumcision; and flexible working to accommodate Ramadan and festival observance.”

.... There are several other points in the manifesto to cause concern, but the fact that this list of demands, which opposes free speech, secularism, and one law for all, is entertained at the UK Parliament is the greatest concern of all.

The event was hosted by Azad Ali (a high-ranking member of Unite Against Fascism) – a man who has said “Democracy, if it means not implementing the sharia, of course nobody agrees with that” – and of course supported by several Labour MPs, demonstrating again that Left-wing politicians simply cannot be trusted with our freedom. [Sharia Watch] Read more