12 October 2015

Would Muslims get better jobs if bosses didn’t know they were Muslim?

Roughly 4 percent of Britain's population is estimated to be Muslim. However, British Muslims are conspicuously absent from many of the country's top professional roles.

If the information related by the think tank Demos this week is correct, the situation is stark. While 30 percent of the overall British population is likely to be employed in what the British government designates as top professions, just 16 percent of British Muslims have similar positions – the lowest of any religious group. British Muslims are also more likely to be unemployed or economically inactive, Demos found.

.... A number of studies have suggested that Muslims are discriminated against when they apply for jobs in Britain. Last year, for example, Bristol University researchers found that religion mattered far more than skin color when it came to job prospects in Britain. Muslims were found to suffer the most, with men as much as 76 percent less likely to get a job offer than their Christian counterparts, while Muslim women were found to be 65 percent less likely to be employed than Christian women. [The Independent] Read more