28 September 2017

Vagueness of 'Islamophobia' is what makes it troublingly all-inclusive

.... Canadians can be a patriotic bunch who do not like their values attacked in the way that M103 does.

Yet it is part of the Islamist agenda in Canada to include in their definition criticism of Islam and Islamic practice in the West rather than simply attributing the causes of anti-Muslim sentiment in the West to “anti-Muslim bigotry”.

Use of the term Islamophobia sets a dangerous trend given the connotations the word has in Islamic countries and in Muslim circles in the West.

We often hear from M103’s supporters that the motion is not binding and does not affect anyone’s entitlement to repudiate anything they object to, including certain orthodox Islamic and fundamentalist practices. Yet the vagueness of the word Islamophobia tends to make it all-inclusive, and it seems to have been deliberately kept that way.

It compromises a person’s freedom to criticize and challenge because without a clear definition as applied to M103, who would dare to test its limits by pretending to know what will constitute censure and, even worse, what may invite a violent response from reactionary Islamist forces within Canada if one dared to criticize Islam? [Toronto Sun] Read more